Data Protection & Policies
Cybercrime and Fraud Warning
Cybercrime is a huge risk and it is important that you take care when sending or receiving emails. We will update this page from time to time with details of known frauds or scams.
Exchange of bank details
Please beware of e-mails or communications suggesting that our bank details have changed. Fraudsters often pose as solicitors and ask clients to forward monies to their own bank accounts.
It is highly unlikely that our bank details will change during the course of your matter and in any event, we will never notify you of changes to important business information such as bank details by email. If you receive any communication suggesting that our bank details have changed then, please contact us immediately by telephone. If at any time you send any monies to a bank account other than an account controlled by this firm, please note that we cannot accept any responsibility for any loss.
Scam e-mails
Please note that ALL Lichfield Reynolds email addresses end ‘‘ and should not be confused with any other format. Fraudsters may pose as someone from Lichfield Reynolds in order to involve members of the public in a scam or a fraud.
Always check the sender’s e-mail address and do not open attachments unless you are sure the email is genuine. If in doubt, call Lichfield Reynolds’ offices on 01782 289122 or 01782 313212 to verify.
Any unexpected emails claiming to have been sent on behalf of Lichfield Reynolds should be treated as highly suspicious and reported to email us.
You can find further information on scams on the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) website. You can also contact the SRA to find out if individuals or firms are regulated and authorised by the SRA and verify an individual’s or firm’s practising details and disciplinary record.