Our Expertise
Wills & Probate
We offer various different options and are happy to give a quotation for your specific case. Please contact either Natalie or Emma on 01782 313212 to discuss your requirements.
New Wills
- Single Will: £150 + VAT* (£30.00) = £180.00
- Mirror Wills: £250 + VAT* (£50.00) = £300.00
Minor Changes
- Single Will: £100 + VAT* (£20.00) = £120.00
- Mirror Wills: £150 + VAT* (£30.00) = £180.00
Will, severance and property trust
- Single Will: £200 + VAT* (£40.00) = £240.00
- Mirror Wills: £300 + VAT* (£60.00) = £360.00
Disabled trust/complex Wills
- Single Will: £300 + VAT* (£60.00) = £360.00
- Mirror Wills: £500 + VAT* (£100.00) = £600.00
Living Will
- Single Will: £120 + VAT* (£24.00) = £144.00
- Mirror Wills: £200 + VAT* (£40.00) = £240.00
Lasting Powers of Attorney
- One Part: £350 + VAT* (£70.00) + registration fee £82.00 = £502.00
- Two parts: £600 + VAT* (£120.00) + registration fees £164.00 = £884.00
- Four parts: £900 + VAT* (£180.00) + registration fees £328.00 = £1,408.00
General Power of Attorney
- £120 + VAT* (£24.00) + = £144.00
Registration of EPA
- £300 + VAT* (£60.00) + registration fee £82.00 = £442.00
Court of Protection
£950 + VAT* (£190.00) + court fee £371.00 + Doctor fee (this can vary upon the charge of the Doctor)
Able to act as professional deputy/attorney work charged as undertaken
* VAT is chargeable at 20%

Book an Appointment
We’re able to offer office based, video or telephone appointments. For more information, please contact our dedicated team.
Get in touch today to book your appointment.